5 I 6 I 7 DECEMBER 2025


SATURDAY I 2024-12-07 I from 22:00 hrs on
LOCATION I K39, Kaiserstraße 39, 60329 Frankfurt
PUBLIC TRANSPORT I Train, subway, tram, bus: Station “Hauptbahnhof” Public Transport
Google Maps Party

FVV XMAS Party hosted by Milk’n’Cream
As wild as always – the legendary “XMAS Sports Party”. The best party in town and the ultimate sports party! 1,000 participants will mingle with 1,000 local night-lifers and together they will celebrate till early morning. Please note: the party was always sold out in the last years – do not miss to order your ticket in time!

Entry guaranteed for XMAS participants with presale ticket till 0:30 hrs.!
Tickets purchased through FVV can only be picked up at Check-in on December 6!
Book TICKETS for XMAS participants, companions and FVV members only!
Guests book here:  Milk’n’Cream – Queer | Pop | Retro (milkncream.de)